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Tue, Dec 17 2019 8:52 AM
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CNPA Seized 22Kg of Heroin in Nimruz

Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) arrested a drug smuggler with 22kg of heroin during a search operation in Zaranj City of Nimruz.
The drugs were recovered from a vehicle. . .

Tue, Dec 17 2019 8:50 AM
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CNPA Seized 91Kg of Hashish in Parwan

As a result of search operation, Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) arrested a drug trafficker with 91kg of hashish in Tajikan village, Jabul Saraj district of Parwan.
The. . .

Tue, Dec 17 2019 8:49 AM
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GCPSU Seized Over 100Kg of Illicit Drugs in Nangarhar

General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) seized over 100kg of illicit drugs during an overnight operation in Trili village, Spin Ghar district of Nangarhar.
GCPSU arrested a. . .

Tue, Dec 17 2019 8:44 AM
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Five Taliban Terrorists Killed in Faryab

Five Taliban terrorists killed and three others wounded in a clash with Afghan National Police (ANP).
The incident took place while Taliban terrorists fired a mortar in Daulat Abad. . .

Tue, Dec 17 2019 8:41 AM
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ANDSF Foil Five IED Attacks in Sar-e-Pul

Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) discovered and defused five roadside bombs after several hours of efforts and point to point search operations in Sar-e-Pul.
The. . .

Thu, Dec 12 2019 11:04 AM
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Taliban’s Huge Cache of Weapons & Ammunition Confiscated in Paktika

Huge cache of weapons, ammunition and explosives belonging to Taliban Terrorist Group were seized by Afghan National Police (ANP) in Paktika.
The cache discovered and seized in an. . .

Thu, Dec 12 2019 9:58 AM
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ANP Foils IED Attack in Baghlan

Afghan National Police (ANP) detected a landmine, planted by terrorists in Bagh Qahwa Khana region, Pul-e-Khumri City of Baghlan.
Afghan National Police (ANP) encourages all citizens to. . .

Wed, Dec 11 2019 10:00 AM
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Four Drug Smugglers Killed in Ghor

Four drug smugglers killed and three others wounded in a clash with Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) in Ahangaran region, Firuz Koh City of Ghor.
CNPA backed by Afghan. . .

Wed, Dec 11 2019 9:28 AM
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Four Taliban Terrorists Killed in Khost

Four Taliban terrorists killed in a joint clearance operation of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Nader Shah Kot district of Khost.
ANDSF seized one vehicle,. . .
