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Mon, Dec 23 2019 2:28 PM
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ANP Foil Three IED Attacks in Paktika & Helmand

Afghan National Police (ANP) detected three roadside bombs, planted by terrorists in Yosuf Khil district of Paktika and PD#7, Lashkar Gah City of Helmand. ANP arrested two mesn in. . .

Mon, Dec 23 2019 12:50 PM
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13 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Uruzgan

Five Taliban terrorists killed and eight others wounded during a clearance operation of the General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) in Nichi village, Trinkot City of Uruzgan.

Mon, Dec 23 2019 12:48 PM
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A Senior Commander of Taliban Terrorists Killed in Takhar

Three Taliban terrorists killed and two others wounded in a clearance operation carried out by Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) backed by Afghan Air Force (AAF) in. . .

Mon, Dec 23 2019 12:47 PM
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Seven Taliban Terrorists Killed after Taliban Attack Repelled in Kunduz

Seven Taliban terrorists killed and four others wounded after Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) repelled a Taliban attack.
The incident took place while a group of. . .

Mon, Dec 23 2019 10:50 AM
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Two Key Members of Taliban Terrorists Arrested in Logar

Two key members of Taliban Terrorist Group arrested during a clearance operation carried out by General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) in Braki Barak district of Logar.
GCPSU. . .

Thu, Dec 19 2019 10:10 AM
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CNPA Seized 193Kg of Illicit Drugs in Nangarhar

As a result of search operation, Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) arrested three drug smugglers with 193kg of illicit drugs in PD#9, Jalalabad City of Nangarhar.
The. . .

Thu, Dec 19 2019 10:05 AM
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ANP Foil Three IED Attacks in Zabul, Khost & Sar-e-Pul

Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and defused three roadside bombs, planted by terrorists in Tani district of Khost, Qalat City of Zabul and Sar-e-Pul City of Sar-e-Pul province.
. . .

Wed, Dec 18 2019 1:10 PM
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Four Taliban Terrorists Killed in Faryab

Three Taliban terrorists killed and three others wounded in an encounter with Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Daulat Abad district of Faryab, last night.
In the. . .

Wed, Dec 18 2019 10:09 AM
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120 Tons of Illicit Drugs Torched in Ghazni

Afghan Counter-Narcotics Special Operation Police backed by Afghan Air Force (AAF) conducted an overnight joint operation in Alokhil village, Deh Yak district of Ghazni, destroying. . .
