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Wed, Dec 25 2019 2:40 PM
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Taliban’s IED Expert Arrested in Helmand

Yesterday, two key Taliban militants expert of Improvised Explosive Device (IED) making were arrested in an operation carried out by Afghan National Police (ANP) in Lashkar Gah City of. . .

Wed, Dec 25 2019 1:54 PM
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CNPA Seized 275Kg of Drugs in Samangan

As a result of search operation, Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) arrested a drug trafficker with 275kg of illicit drugs in Aibak City of Samangan.
 The drugs were. . .

Wed, Dec 25 2019 11:29 AM
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A Senior Member of Taliban Terrorists Arrested in Farah

A senior member of Taliban terrorists was arrested during an operation of the Afghan National Police (ANP) in Ginahkan village, Farah City of Farah province.



Wed, Dec 25 2019 10:37 AM
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53 Tons of Illicit Drugs Torched in Nangarhar

Afghan Counter-Narcotics Special Operation Police backed by Afghan Air Force (AAF) conducted an overnight joint operation in Sandoq village, Achin district of Nangarhar, destroying a. . .

Wed, Dec 25 2019 10:16 AM
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Taliban Bomb Maker Killed in Faryab

A Taliban bomb maker was killed by own bomb blast while he was transferring a roadside bomb.
The incident took place in Garizwan district of Faryab, yesterday.
In a separate report,. . .

Tue, Dec 24 2019 11:00 AM
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17 Taliban Terrorists Killed in Helmand

17 Taliban terrorists killed following a clash with Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Sayed Abad region, Nad Ali district of Helmand.
During the clash, ANDSF seized. . .

Tue, Dec 24 2019 10:49 AM
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Taliban Mine Planter Arrested in Khost

Afghan National Police (ANP) and NDS operatives arrested a Taliban mine planter while he was planting roadside bombs in Anar village, Bak district of Khost.
Meanwhile, three Taliban. . .

Tue, Dec 24 2019 10:00 AM
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CNPA Seized 800Kg of Drugs in Paktia

As a result of search operation, Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) seized 800kg of hashish in Azad Khor region, Mirzaka district of Paktia.
CNPA arrested a suspected drug. . .

Tue, Dec 24 2019 9:18 AM
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GCPSU & CNPA Seized 81Kg of Illicit Drugs in Badakhshan

As a result of joint operation, General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) and Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) seized 81kg of illicit drugs and two AK-47 rifles in. . .
