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Thu, Aug 01 2019 10:50 AM
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Six Taliban Terrorist Killed & Nine others injured in Takhar 

Six Taliban terrorists killed and nine others injured following a clash with Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF).
The clash took place while a group of Taliban. . .

Thu, Aug 01 2019 10:29 AM
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11 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Khost, Farah & Ghor

Seven Taliban terrorists killed and four others injured after Afghan National Police (ANP) conducted several separate operations in Farah, Khost and Ghor.
ANP seized various types of. . .

Thu, Aug 01 2019 10:14 AM
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15 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Ghazni

10 Taliban terrorists killed and five others injured in five separate clashes with Afghan National Police in Aab Band and Deh Yak Districts of Ghazni.

Thu, Aug 01 2019 9:20 AM
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18 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Helmand

Seven Taliban terrorists killed and three others injured while a group of Taliban attacked Afghan National Police (ANP) check posts in Seminar Dakhti reigon, Nehr Saraj District of. . .

Wed, Jul 31 2019 10:13 AM
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Seven Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Logar

Four Taliban terrorists killed and three others injured while a group of Taliban terrorists attacked Afghan National Police check posts in Shakar Qala, Matani Pala and Kaji regions, Pul. . .

Wed, Jul 31 2019 10:11 AM
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18 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Baghlan & Paktika

10 Taliban terrorists killed, eight injured and 10 suspected terrorists arrested during several clearance operations carried out by General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) in. . .

Wed, Jul 31 2019 10:10 AM
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ANP Foils IED Attack in Khost

Afghan National Police (ANP) detected a roadside bomb, placed by terrorists in Mandozai District of Khost. We encourage anyone who has information about suspicious activities to contact. . .

Tue, Jul 30 2019 1:30 PM
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Taliban Terrorists Suffer Heavy Casualties in Baghlan

50 Taliban terrorists killed and 24 others injured following a clash with Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Safid Khan and Tapa Qarghan regions, Pul-e-Khumri City. . .

Tue, Jul 30 2019 10:28 AM
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CNPA Arrested Eight Drug Traffickers 

Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) arrested eight drug traffickers with 50kg of opium and three rifles during separate operations in Nangarhar, Faryab, Khost and Kabul.
