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Tue, Aug 06 2019 9:38 AM
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15 Taliban Terrorists Killed in Helmand

15 Taliban terrorists killed during a joint clearance operation carried out by Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Mahajir Bazaar region, Nehr Saraj District of. . .

Tue, Aug 06 2019 9:33 AM
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ANP Foils IED Attack in Paktiya

Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and detected a roadside bomb, planted by terrorists in PD#1, Gardiz City of Paktiya.
We encourage anyone who has information about suspicious. . .

Tue, Aug 06 2019 9:31 AM
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Seven Taliban Terrorists Killed in Maidan Wardak

A notorious Taliban commander named Nasrat was killed along with his six accomplices in an operation carried out by General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) in Maidan Shahr City. . .

Mon, Aug 05 2019 9:21 AM
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CNPA Seized 80Kg of Drugs in Paktiya

Counter- Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) seized 80kg of hashish in an operation in Salat Bik region, Gardiz City of Paktiya.
The drugs were recovered from a residence and no one. . .

Mon, Aug 05 2019 9:19 AM
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Four Men Arrested, Accused Of Helping Taliban in Balkh

General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) launched a security overnight operation in Balkh District of Balkh. As a result, four men arrested accused of helping Taliban militants.
. . .

Mon, Aug 05 2019 9:16 AM
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44 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Faryab

36 Taliban terrorists killed and eight others injured in a joint clearance overnight operation carried out by Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Bilcheragh District. . .

Sun, Aug 04 2019 2:53 PM
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ANP Discovers Explosive-Rigged Bicycle in Kabul

Last night, based on public calls to 119, Afghan National Police (ANP) detected an explosive-rigged bicycle at Bibi Mahro area, PD#10, Kabul City.
The timely discovery of the explosives. . .

Sun, Aug 04 2019 12:11 PM
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ANP Defused a Remote-Controlled Bomb in Parwan

Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and defused a remote- controlled bomb, planted by terrorists in the Ghorband valley, Siya Gard district of Parwan.

Sun, Aug 04 2019 12:08 PM
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19 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Helmand

14 Taliban terrorists killed and five others injured during Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) joint clearance operation in Nehr Saraj District of Helmand.
ANDSF seized. . .
