Biography of Mawlavi Sayedullah “Hamas”

Honorable Mawlavi Sayedullah "Hamas" son of the late Alhaj Mawlavi Bakhta Jan, born in 1983 in the village of Khairawi Lawali of Gyan district of Paktika province. In 1993, he completed the memorization of the Holy Quran in Sadiq Akbar Madrasa and in 2004 . He graduated from Akwar Khattak Madrasa of Darul Uloom Haqqanieh with the highest degree (excellent).
During the struggles against the occupiers, he was one of the Peers on the front line of Khalifa Sahib Sirajuddin Haqqani, who spent three years in prison on this holy path. he has performed duties in various sections of the Islamic Emirate, such as:
As a consultant and contact person with Khalifa Sahib Sirajuddin Haqqani, he also performed duties on behalf of the Islamic Emirate in the Tribal Commission. After the conquer of the Islamic Emirate, based on the proposal of the Honorable Minister of Interior Affairs and the approval of the Prime Ministr, he was appointed as the General Director of the National Public Protection Force of the Ministry of Interior Affairs, which was later promoted to the position of deputy, based on the proposal of the Minister of Interior Affairs, and the approval of the highest authority of the Prime Ministry of was re-appointed in the position of Lieutenant General as the Deputy of National Public Protection Force. He is currently serving in that position.