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Sun, Oct 27 2019 11:00 AM
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Taliban Shadow District Governor Killed in Jowzjan

12 Taliban terrorists killed and eight others wounded in a clash with Afghan National Police (ANP) in Murdian district of Jowzjan. 
Taliban shadow district governor for Qarqin district. . .

Sun, Oct 27 2019 10:49 AM
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Taliban Shadow District Governor Killed in Balkh

Ali Gul, Taliban shadow district governor for Nehr Shahi district of Balkh killed and his bodyguard was wounded during a clearance operation carried out by Afghan National Police (ANP). . .

Sun, Oct 27 2019 8:42 AM
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ANP Discover Explosives- Laden Vehicle in Ghazni

As a result of joint operation, Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and defused an explosives- laden vehicle in Bagi village, Waghaz district of Ghazni. Afghan National Police (ANP). . .

Sat, Oct 26 2019 2:34 PM
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10 Taliban Terrorists killed in Faryab

10 Taliban terrorists killed and seven others wounded after Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) backed by Afghan Air Force (AAF) repelled a Taliban attack in Pashtun Kot. . .

Sat, Oct 26 2019 2:28 PM
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Two Taliban Terrorists Killed in Herat

Two Taliban terrorists killed and one was wounded after Afghan National Police (ANP) repelled a Taliban attack.
The incident took place while a group of Taliban terrorists conducted. . .

Sat, Oct 26 2019 2:16 PM
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Four Taliban Terrorists Killed in Ghazni

Four Taliban terrorists killed and two others wounded in two separate clashes with Afghan National Police (ANP) in Jaghatu and Rashidan districts of Ghazni.
During the clashes, one. . .

Sat, Oct 26 2019 9:37 AM
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Dehna Ghori Route Reopened

As a result of clearance operation, Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) have reopened the route of Dehna Ghori district after four years. Taliban terrorists were blocked. . .

Sat, Oct 26 2019 9:23 AM
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ANP Foil Four IED Attacks in Khost

Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and neutralized four roadside bombs after several hours of efforts and point to point search operations in Bak and Asmail Khil districts of Khost. . .

Sat, Oct 26 2019 9:20 AM
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Six Taliban Terrorists Killed in Faryab

Last night, six Taliban terrorists killed and 18 others wounded following a clash with Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Almar district of Faryab.
Taliban’s shadow. . .
