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Sun, Oct 25 2020 11:23 AM
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ANP Defuse 10 Roadside Bombs in Four Provinces

The engineering teams of Afghan National Police (ANP) following point-to-point search operations, managed to discover and neutralize 10 roadside bombs in Sar-e-Pul, Paktika, Badakhshan. . .

Sun, Oct 25 2020 9:53 AM
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Kabul Police Detain 10 Alleged Criminals

Kabul police has arrested 10 individuals on charges of armed robbery, murder, carrying illegal weapon, snatching mobile and other immoral crimes in Kabul City & its surrounding. . .

Sat, Oct 24 2020 11:37 AM
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CNPA Seized Over 3k Tablet-K in Nangarhar 

At least 3,178 tablet-K pills seized during a search operation carried out by Counter-Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) at Torkham border township, eastern Nangarhar province. 
CNP. . .

Sat, Oct 24 2020 10:41 AM
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ANP Arrest 12 Criminal Suspects in Four Provinces 

Afghan National Police (ANP) operations team has arrested 12 people on charges of murder and armed robbery in Baghlan, Balkh, Kapisa and Laghman provinces. 
The arrestees were taken to. . .

Sat, Oct 24 2020 9:42 AM
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Three Taliban Terrorists Killed in Takhar 

Three Taliban terrorists killed by own bomb blast while they were planting a roadside bomb in Fakhrak village, Ashkmash district of Takhar province.
In the meantime, the engineering. . .

Thu, Oct 22 2020 11:02 AM
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Seven People Arrested in Connection With Car Theft & Murder

During several separate raids, Afghan National Police (ANP) arrested seven people in connection with car theft and murder in Herat City of Herat province. The cases have been referred. . .

Wed, Oct 21 2020 1:26 PM
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ANP Discover, Defuse 10 Roadside Bombs in Khost, Kunduz & Kandahar

Afghan National Police (ANP) bomb disposal unit discovered and defused 10 roadside bombs after several hours of efforts and point to point search operations in Khost, Kunduz and. . .

Wed, Oct 21 2020 10:47 AM
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Drug Distributors Nabbed in Kabul & Balkh

Counter-Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) carried a series of Counter-Narcotics operation to identify local drug traffickers in Kabul. As a result, CNPA arrested two major drug. . .

Tue, Oct 20 2020 2:34 PM
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Five Alleged Criminals Arrested

Five suspects involving in different criminal cases were arrested during several separate raids of the Afghan National Police (ANP) in Nangarhar, Balkh and Herat provinces. 
The. . .
