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Sun, Dec 23 2018 12:17 PM
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10 Armed Taliban Killed in Kandahar Province

Yesterday, 10 armed Taliban were killed in a clash with Afghan Border Police (ABP).

The clash took place while Afghan Border Police patrolling the area in Sekandar Zai region, Maruf. . .

Sun, Dec 23 2018 9:53 AM
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Afghan Air Force Strikes Taliban Hideout, Killing 15

Yesterday, 11 armed Taliban including a top commander of armed Taliban killed after Afghan Air Forces struck a militants’ hideout in Aab Khurma region, Bala Buluk district, western. . .

Sat, Dec 22 2018 10:49 AM
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A Suicide Bomber Shot Dead Before Reaching Target in Zabul Province


Afghan National Police gunned down a suicide bomber who had attempted to storm a police check post in Sado Khan village, Shinki district, southern Zabul province.

No one was harmed. . .

Sat, Dec 22 2018 10:39 AM
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18 Armed Taliban Killed and Wounded in Faryab Province

10 armed Taliban including a local commander of armed Taliban killed and eight other armed Taliban wounded in a clash with Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.

The clash took. . .

Wed, Dec 19 2018 9:56 AM
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ANP Discover, Defuse Roadside Bombs in Helmand Province

Yesterday, Afghan National Police discovered and neutralized 36 roadside bombs after several hours of efforts and point to point search operation in Greshk district, southern Helmand. . .

Tue, Dec 18 2018 10:17 AM
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Three Terrorists Killed and Arrested in Farah Province

One of the three terrorists killed in an encounter with Afghan National Police.

The encounter took place in Nang Aab village, Farah City, capital of western Farah province.

Two other. . .

Sat, Dec 15 2018 10:12 AM
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Taliban Shadow District Governor Killed in Jowzjan Province

Qari Rasul, Taliban’s shadow district governor for Faiz Abad district of northern Jowzjan province killed along with his four bodyguards in an airstrike.

The airstrike took place in. . .

Sat, Dec 15 2018 10:04 AM
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Seven Armed Taliban Killed in Kandahar Province

A joint clearance operation carried out by Afghan National Defense and Security Forces left seven armed Taliban dead.

The operation took place in Band Taimur rergion, Maiwand district,. . .

Wed, Dec 12 2018 11:11 AM
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Afghan National Police Foil IED Attacks in Herat Province

Afghan National Police detected nine roadside bombs which were placed by enemies of peace and stability of Afghanistan in the main road of Zaman Abad village, Pashtun Zarghon district,. . .
