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Mon, Mar 04 2019 5:19 PM
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12 Taliban Militants Killed and Wounded in Faryab province

Last night, seven armed Taliban were killed and five other armed Taliban were wounded after Afghan Air Force targeted militants’ hideouts in the Qozi Bay Qala village, Doulat Abad. . .

Sun, Mar 03 2019 7:18 PM
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ANP Foil IED Attacks in Herat Province

Based on intelligence report, Afghan National Police discovered and detected two roadside bombs which were placed by enemies of peace and stability of Afghanistan on the Herat- Islam. . .

Sun, Mar 03 2019 5:34 PM
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Two Mine Planters Killed in Herat Province

Today morning, two mine planters were killed by own bomb blast while they were planting a roadside bomb in Khowaja Shahab village, Guzara district, western Herat province.

Afghan. . .

Sat, Mar 02 2019 10:14 AM
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A Local Commander of Armed Taliban Killed in Farah Province

Mullah Noor Ahmad, a local commander of armed Taliban was killed along with his bodyguard in a clash with Afghan National Police.

The clash took place in Nobera village, Parchaman. . .

Wed, Feb 27 2019 2:26 PM
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16 Taliban Militants Killed and Wounded in Farah Province

Two Taliban militants were killed and seven other Taliban militants were wounded in a clash with Afghan National Police.

The clash took place in Dehk village, Farah City, capital of. . .

Wed, Feb 27 2019 9:49 AM
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Afghan National Police Foil IED Attacks in Badghis Province

Based on intelligence report, Afghan National Police discovered and detected six roadside bombs which were placed by enemies of peace and stability of Afghanistan in the vicinity of the. . .

Mon, Feb 25 2019 9:35 AM
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15 Taliban Militants Killed and Wounded in Kunduz Province

Yesterday, nine armed Taliban including four local commanders of armed Taliban were killed and six other Taliban militants were wounded by own bomb blast while they were planting a. . .

Sun, Feb 24 2019 10:55 AM
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ANP Detected A Remote Controlled Mine in Laghman Province

Afghan National Police discovered and detected a remote controlled mine which was placed by enemies of peace and stability of Afghanistan in the vicinity of the Qarghayi district,. . .

Sun, Feb 24 2019 10:30 AM
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95Kg of Hashish and Opium Seized in Nangarhar Province

Yesterday, Afghan Counter-Narcotics Special Operation Police seized 81kg of hashish and 14kg of opium during two separate operations conducted in Surkhrod and Rodat districts, eastern. . .
