Vision & Mission
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Ministry of Interior Affairs
Ten-Year Vision for the Afghan National Police: 1392-1402
Direction and Objectives of the Vision
Within ten years the Afghan National Police (ANP) will become a unified, capable, and trustworthy civilian police service. Its primary responsibility will be to enforce the rule of law; maintain public order and security; detect and fight crimes; control borders; protect the rights, assets and freedoms of both Afghans and foreigners in Afghanistan according to national laws; and operate without ethnic, gender, language or religious discrimination. By pursuing the principles and objectives of the peace and reintegration program, which is based on the decisions of the 2-4 June 2010 Consultative Jirga, and creating a lawful society, the ANP will pave the way for sustainable peace and socio- economic development of Afghanistan. It will be a unified and flexible force allowing personnel in the different police pillars of the ANP to transfer from one to the other when necessary, and winning public confidence by the use of community policing approaches to deliver policing services to the people of Afghanistan.
The purpose of this ten-year vision is to describe the status we want the ANP to have achieved in ten years, and to specify both the strategic and long-term objectives of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) for the continuing development of the ANP, and the degree of restructuring that will be necessary for the improved performance of police duties and responsibilities. The vision will give the Afghan public a clear view of the future of policing, and officials of the various MoI departments will be able to use it to determine their relevant operational and tactical- level objectives, and to develop their operational plans.
In order to ensure implementation of this vision within the proposed time, this document will be supported by a series of two-year police plans that will contain the details of the programs and strategies required for achieving this vision. Necessary changes in structures of MOI will be made in accordance, and for realizing, this vision.
The ten-year vision is based on such legislative and directive documents as the Afghan Constitution, National Development Strategy, National Priority Programs, National Security and Inter-ministerial Strategy, and the Afghan Police Law. Suggestions from working groups have also been considered together with higher-level national objectives, the present and future security needs of the country, notions of good governance, and the legitimate wishes of the Afghan people.
Civilian and Community Policing
The civilian policing mentioned in the Chicago Agreement of May 2012, is concerned with traditional policing activities such as enforcing the rule of law, maintaining law and order on the streets and protecting human safety. The police performing these activities could be either in uniform or plain clothes according to the regulations or job specifications of the various police departments. Over the last ten years the police have been used to fight insurgency, which has confused their role and functions. Now the vision of the Ministry of Interior is to return police to the traditional duties they perform under the Afghan Police Law and to cease their participation in combat operations that require heavy weapons.
When the police perform their duties of enforcing the rule of law and maintaining public order in close cooperation with the public and other civil and social agencies, in an effort to achieve stable communities and serve the people, they are engaging in what is called community policing. Community policing is not a separate branch of the ANP but an approach to the delivery of services that all police should understand and use to establish continuous friendly relations with the people and to earn their confidence and support.
At the heart of the concept of community policing is the principle that in Afghanistan, where sovereignty belongs to people according to the article 4 of the constitution, the police should serve the people. By carrying out community policing services, the ANP will earn public trust and confidence and this will be the key to their success while performing their duties, since the public is the best source of intelligence and information about the criminals, insurgents and terrorists. Community policing has therefore become the preferred way around the world to carry out police functions.
Relations with the Public: Policing comes from the people and should serve the people
- Over the next ten years, the ANP will be a civilian community policing institution with strong relations with the people through formal and informal mechanisms, and serving the people according to their legitimate needs.
- By earning the trust and respect of the people, the ANP will gain public support, which may lead to people providing the intelligence and information needed for the police to fight crime and insurgency, as well as ensuring public order.
- National Police at the center and the provincial level will hold regular consultative meetings with people in communities, civil society, human rights organizations, religious scholars and community leaders to receive their views, suggestions and criticisms of police performance, and to use their suggestions and feedback to improve the quality and effectiveness of police operations.
- The ANP will abide by Afghan laws and international human rights conventions (including gender and children`s rights), and provide services to the people without any discrimination against gender, ethnicity, race, religion or social status
- The ANP will maintain a visible presence among the people, be accessible to them and by the use of formal and informal complaints mechanisms will be publicly accountable
- The ANP will conduct public awareness campaigns and programs to expand public knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of their national police and how the public can cooperate with the police
Human Rights
The ANP will protect the freedom and human rights of all Afghans in accordance with the Constitution, national laws of the country and international conventions to which Afghanistan is a signatory
Complaints units will be available in the capital and provinces to receive and process allegations of mistreatment and violation of human rights by police. These units will perform their duties under the General Inspection Department or the General Department of Gender, Human Rights and Children
Fighting Corruption
- The ANP will fight all forms of corruption in a committed, effective and tangible manner.
- The Ministry of Interior will have effective systems, mechanisms, policies and regulations in place to fight corruption, prosecute corrupt officials and to prevent corruption taking place
- In order to fight corruption in a robust and effective manner, the authority of the head of the Inspector General`s Department will be further increased
- The MOI will strengthen its accountability mechanisms, and will remain committed to principles of the Tokyo Mutual Accountability Framework.
Transparency, Accountability and Responsibility
A: Transparency: Transparency emphasizes enforcing laws and regulations in an open way. It facilitates the monitoring and evaluation of police performance and conduct, denotes the openness of the police institution to citizens, demonstrates police integrity in serving the people, opens access to the police for ordinary citizens, and prohibits the release of misinformation or the blocking of public access to the information needed to evaluate police performance and conduct.
The following are indicators of transparency:
- Complete clarity of role and responsibilities of police
- Public access to information on police activities
- Public information on the MoI budget and its expenditure
- Ensuring sound environment through laws, regulations, standard operating procedures, and amendments to regulations
- Increasing the effectiveness of personnel in the support departments
- Observing moral principles in behavior and conduct
- Observing financial regulations
B: Accountability: Accountability means being answerable for one’s expected performance, and so it is a strong tool for control. All police personnel should be accountable for their legal authority and duties, and accept the consequences of their actions.
The following are characteristics of an accountable system:
- Easy access, quick and direct response, meeting security needs of individuals
- Access without hindrance and responding to complaints without repercussions for the complainant
- Using discretion in solving problems of the people
- Just and impartial proceedings and responding to complaints without regard to personal views
- Accountability of individuals to superiors
- Professional and interpersonal skills of complaint officials
- Observing work ethic, integrity and honor
C: Responsibility: means performing one’s duties and taking responsibility for an action.
Responsibility is collective and managers are responsible for the performance of their subordinates. It is different from accountability, which is individual and personnel or staff are accountable for their own actions.
D. Mechanisms for transparency and accountability
- The responsibilities, technical expertise, and institutional capacity of the Inspector General`s Department will be enhanced to focus on holding police officials accountable, addressing complaints about police misbehavior, and ensuring transparency, accountability and suppression of corruption
- Inspection departments of deputy ministers will be brought under the umbrella of Inspector General’s Department
- The Department will have inspection units in all provinces which will be independent from the provincial police chiefs and will be under direct supervision of the Inspector General
- The Inspector General`s Department will have professional personnel, especially financial audit experts, to monitor expenses and contracts, and to ensure the smooth operation of all logistical affairs
- In order to fight corruption more effectively, and prevent abuse of authority and mistreatment of people by the police, in addition to internal inspection and oversight by Inspector General and Professional Standards Department, the MoI will study the possibility of an external oversight mechanism to monitor police behavior.
Mission of the Afghanistan National Police (ANP)
According to Article 5 of the Afghan Police Law, the ANP shall have the following responsibilities:
- Provide and maintain public order and security, protect the safety of individuals and their legal rights and freedoms, take measures to prevent crime with a specific focus on preventing and detecting serious crime
- Timely detection of crimes, arresting suspects and perpetrators in accordance with the provision of the law
- Fighting against moral deviation, social sedition and acts which disrupt public tranquility
- Protecting public and private assets of national and international organizations
- Fighting narcotics, organized crimes, corruption and insurgency
- Facilitating good governance and providing the right of freedom of expression so that people can voice their concerns and judge
- Fighting terrorism and economic and cybercrime in cooperation with the security agencies
- Regulating traffic, preventing accidents and other unexpected situations in collaboration with other relevant government agencies
- Providing relief aid to the victims of natural disasters and other unpredictable events, taking necessary measures and actions for providing public order and safety, obtaining public support for preventive activities
- Controlling and protecting borders including international airports, the exit and entry of people at the borders, monitoring border traffic and checking documents in collaboration with other relevant agencies
- Collecting weapons from irresponsible individuals, issuing licenses for carrying firearms, and monitoring the use of weapons
- Providing security for legal demonstrations and strikes, and combating riots and disorder
- Ensuring the well-being of prisoners and detainees, protecting their human rights and facilitating their rehabilitation in accordance with the prison laws.
Relations with the Justice and Security Sector
- The ANP, ANA, NDS, AGO, and Afghan judiciary will have distinct roles and responsibilities and perform their duties in close cooperation and coordination with each other.
- A permanent working group at the leadership level will have regular meetings to discuss the issues related to the ministries, AGO, and the judiciary. This working group will be composed of representatives from the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association, Afghanistan Independent Commission for Human Rights and the Ministry of Interior.
- Clear guidelines will be available to enable provincial and district police chiefs and the heads of prosecution offices to hold meetings on a regular basis.
- The Case Management System will be functional in all province of the country and the MOI Department for Fighting Crimes will have relevant Case Management System positions in its Tashkil. This will enable the ANP and judicial institutions to access accurate information for analysis and assessment of cases simultaneously and on an online basis, as well as register and assess information at all levels.
- Clear procedures including daily guidelines and instructions will be available for police and prosecutors in the following six:
- Procedures for prosecutors to raise awareness about indictment, authorization for arrests, court decisions, penalties and court orders to police
- Procedure for delivering notices and arrest warrants
- Procedures for cooperation between police and prosecutors when they receive information about the perpetration of a crime
- Explaining the rights of people involved in a case
- Protection of crime scenes before assessing the scene
- Procedure for arrest and release of suspects
- The Ministry of Interior, the National Police and the justice sector will submit joint suggestions to the government for the revision of laws, including the length of time suspects may be kept in detention centers.
- Formal mechanisms will be established to ensure consultation on important and mutual issues, including progress in judicial prosecution, collecting evidence and exchanging information
- The questions of the length of time that police may keep detainees and whether investigations should be conducted by police or prosecutors will be decided.
Revision of Police-Related Laws
- The Ministry of Interior will review the existing laws and suggest necessary amendments for achieving this vision to the Ministry of Justice and the Parliament
- The enactment of new laws requiring the production of evidence rather than a confession to secure a conviction need further discussion.
Distinction between Policy and Strategic Responsibilities of the Ministry of Interior from Operational and Executive Responsibilities
Within the next ten years, the policy making responsibilities of the Ministry of Interior will be identified and distinguished from police operational responsibilities. The Interior Minister will have policy directing responsibilities while the Senior Deputy Minister for Security will have responsibilities for the command and control of ANP units and operations under the leadership and guidance of the Interior Minister.
Deputy Ministries and Departments of Policy and Strategy, Support, Administration, Prisons and Detention Centers, Public Services, Inspector General, Office of the Minister will be directly responsible to the Minister of Interior
Policy and Strategic-Level Responsibilities: Minister of Interior
- Define and lead policies and strategic objectives for the Ministry of Interior and the ANP
- Identify strategic objectives and approve policies and strategies for achieving these objectives in order to address the security and governance needs of the country
- Demonstrate accountability to the President, Parliament and people of Afghanistan for the legal, ethical, honest, impartial and effective performance of the ANP.
- Ensure conformity with the law, and the integrity and effectiveness of ANP officials in providing policing services to the Afghan public
- Oversee and hold provincial police chiefs, border police commanders, ANCOP and special force units of the ANP to account for their work and performance.
- Ensure effectiveness, trustworthiness and transparency in ANP support units and hold them accountable
- Ensure coordination at the strategic level in developing policies with other security and civil agencies of the country
- Ensure the existence of effective mechanisms for communicating policies and decisions from the top to the bottom of the organization, and receive progress reports on implementation of policies, strategies, functions and activities from the bottom up
- Ensure inter-ministerial cooperation to support coordination and collaboration among security agencies
- Ensure observing human rights and gender and ethnic balance in ANP
Office of the Minister
- The Chief of Staff is responsible for the overall management of the Minister’s Office, MOI HQ, Ministerial correspondence and monitoring the implementation of Minister’s decrees, as well as supervising Minister’s Office staff such as foreign relations and advisors in Policy, Legal, Parliamentary and public affairs.
- The Chief of Staff Department will coordinate all MOI correspondence and facilitate division of responsibilities inside the MOI in accordance with the wishes of the Minister.
- A strong Ministerial Policy Unit with well qualified and capable staff will conduct research and analysis, plan policy projects and provide public policy and strategic advice to Minister of Interior
- The Legal advisory will have a computerized archive to keep applicable laws and enforceable procedures for the Ministry of Interior.
- The Legal advisory will provide legal advices to the leadership of the Ministry and reply the legal issues of the MoI personnel electronically.
Development of Policies and Strategies
- The MoI will have professional civilian and police experts to develop strategic plans, including threat assessments, and financial and human resource requirements, and will monitor the National Police Strategy and strategic plans and policies in other sections of the National Police
- Joint strategic programs and security policy will be created in coordination with relevant organizations from both the security and non-security sectors
- A monitoring and evaluation unit will be created to monitor and evaluate MoI strategies, policies, programs and projects.
- The Policy and Strategy Section of the Ministry will be responsible for coordinating proposals and strategic documents inside and outside the Ministry, including those relating to the ministries of Finance, Justice, Defense, Office of the Attorney General and the National Directorate of Security, and other national and international organizations
- Resources at MOI will be allocated on a programmatic basis according to strategic plans and aimed at achieving specific and intended results and objectives.
Counter Narcotics
- Cultivation, production and trafficking of the illicit narcotics pose serious threats to security, stability and good governance in Afghanistan.
- The Ministry of Interior, through the DM for Counter-narcotics, will intensify and continue its efforts of fighting cultivation, production and trafficking of drugs until achieving the goal of a drug-free Afghanistan.
- The capacity and capabilities of Deputy Ministry for counter narcotics within the MoI will be further enhanced and will continue its efforts in coordination with the Ministry of Counter Narcotics, and other relevant institutions, including all parts of ANP.
Support Services and Systems
- The MoI Support functions , including the departments of Finance, Procurement, Information Technology (IT), Logistics, Human Resources, and other special units will be headed by civilian or police experts with M.A. degrees in relevant fields of work to ensure that these units are managed effectively
- The Ministry of Interior will have an effective IT Department headed by an IT and networking specialist in order to ensure effective management and security of MoI and ANP networks
- The Ministry of Interior will have effective, accountable, transparent and streamlined systems to ensure that police units receive necessary supplies and support in a timely fashion
- A financial inspection department will be established under the General Inspection Department to inspect all financial documents including procurement forms, contracts, and expenditures to ensure complete transparency in all matters
- Inspection departments will be integrated with the General Inspection Department
Support Services:
A: Support activities:
- The Support Section of the MoI will be responsible for analyzing strategic, financial, budgetary, logistical and other needs of the National Police
- The Support Section will develop plans and policies, and evaluate logistical, procurement, health, facilities, transportation, financial and other activities in coordination with the Deputy Ministry of Policy and Strategy and in accordance with the strategic documents of the Ministry of Interior.
B: Administrative Activities
- The Administration function of MoI will review administrative systems, propose and implement changes required in mechanism and strategies for improving the effectiveness and simplifying administrative processes, appointments and reappointments, education and training, and other systems
Custody and Rehabilitation of prisoners and detainees
Within ten years, all Afghan prisons and detention centers will be equipped with standard facilities equipped with libraries, training and professional workshops for keeping prisoners and detainees
- All prisons and detention centers in the capital and provinces will be equipped with clinics staffed with professional personnel, medicine and equipment to meet the needs of prisoners
- Prisons officials will perform their duties in accordance with the applicable laws of the country, international conventions (to which Afghanistan is a signatory), regulations, court decisions and procedures, and internationally accepted standards of human rights
- Prisoners will be corrected, rehabilitated and reintegrated to society in accordance with the law.
IT and Public Services
- Over the next ten years, number plates, driving licenses, vehicle driving permits, passports, immigration services, and national ID Cards will be provided in the capital and provinces using simple, uncomplicated administrative procedures made possible by the application of information technology
- Driving licenses and vehicle permits will be processed on-line with increased use of information technology
Operational Responsibilities: Deputy Minister for Security
The operational responsibilities of the ANP will be led by the Senior Deputy Minister for Security. The functions of Counter-Narcotics, Afghan Public Protection Force and Security State Owned Enterprise (SOE), Afghan Border Police, ANCOP, GDPSU, Anti-Crime Police, Afghan Local Police, Interpol and all other operational police units will report directly to DM Security.
The Responsibilities of the Deputy Minister for Security:
- Be responsible and accountable to the Minister of Interior
- Direct and control all operational responsibilities of the police
- Command and control all police units in the provinces through provincial police chiefs, ANCOP units, special force units in the center and provinces, local police, anti-crime police and Interpol department
- Hold both ANP officials at HQ and provincial police chiefs accountable for their actions and ensure that the policies of MoI are implemented throughout the country
- Ensure the cooperation of officials in the center and the provincial police chiefs with the office of the MoI Inspector General and other agencies working in this area
- Ensure provincial police chiefs cooperate with governors and other local officials in the development and implementation of their operational plans
- Ensure provincial police chiefs cooperate with other local agencies, non-governmental organizations and international organizations working in the provinces, in order to provide better policing services to the people
- Ensure integrity, effectiveness and efficiency of provincial police chiefs, district police chiefs, fire department and all police personnel through the organizational command and control system
Structure, Command and Control of Forces
- In the next ten years, the ANP will be a unified and flexible police service with different units used proportionate to the responsibilities and operational and budgetary needs of the ANP.
- The different police forces, including the Uniformed Police, Anti-Crime Police, ANCOP, Border Police, Counter Narcotics Police and special force units will perform their duties in accordance with the Afghan Laws and the needs of Afghan society. But the structure of these services will be flexible so that it will be possible for officers and NCOs to be shifted between different pillars of the ANP.
- Practical mechanisms will be put into place for the command and control of police forces in normal and emergency situations so that they can perform their duties and responsibilities effectively
- Provincial police chiefs and commanders of police units at HQ will be obliged to allocate and use ANP resources effectively in their respective areas of responsibilities
- Specific performance standards will exist to evaluate the activities of police personnel and officials on a regular and continued basis; those who fail to meet the standards will be examined
Collection and Analysis of Intelligence
- The General Department of Intelligence will be staffed with educated and qualified personnel who will have an active presence throughout the country, and will be supported by technical and human resources
- The internal intelligence functions will be directly accountable to the Minister of Interior, while operational intelligence functions will be supervised by, and report to, DM for Security.
- In addition to collecting intelligence, the General Directorate of Intelligence will analyze and convert intelligence data into usable information. More effective and capable intelligence analysis units will be established in the capital and provinces to collect and analyze data in the shortest possible time and to make intelligence information available to the leadership of the Ministry of Interior, ANP officials and heads of relevant units. The intelligence analysis units will cooperate and exchange information with other security agencies in accordance with established procedures.
- An important mechanism for collecting reliable intelligence on criminals and security threats is close cooperation between police and communities. This goal can be achieved only by the police gaining public trust and providing community policing services to the public.
- The General Intelligence Department will prevent from enemy infiltration in police force and will cooperate in the fight against terrorism
Fighting Crimes
The Anti-Crime Police will be available for assistance in all districts of the country, and resources will be allocated to all districts in Afghanistan to ensure that all criminal cases at the district level can be dealt with
- A research center for the study of crime will be established in the capital which will research and collect data and statistics in order to find better ways of combating crimes
- A cybercrime police unit will be established within the structure of the ANP to fight cybercrimes and implement anti cybercrime law
General Directorate of Police Special Units (GDPSU)
- Specialist and tactical capabilities of the GDPSU including Crisis Response Units, investigative and intelligence surveillance units, and provincial rapid response units will be enhanced to support countering the insurgency, narcotics and organized crimes.
Afghan National Civil Order Police (ANCOP)
- ANCOP will have operational capabilities to perform civil order operations in sensitive and dangerous situations; respond to riots, disorders, and violent demonstrations; support security police, anticrime police and other police pillars as needed.
- Operational capabilities, equipment and facilities of the Public Order Police will be strengthened in order to enable them to perform their duties and responsibilities.
- Public Order Police will be provided with operational equipment, semi heavy weapons and riot control equipment so they are able to perform their duties in the best manner.
Border Police
Border security is the backup for internal security, hence the Afghan Border Police will try their best to protect and ensure security in the border zones; prevent infiltration to national borders of terrorists, criminal gangs, drugs and human traffickers and smugglers of ancient artifacts, and will control human and vehicles traffic across the borders.
- Over the next ten years, Border Police will have acquired professional and specialist capabilities; all ports and airports of the country will be equipped with standard equipment for checking documents, security equipment, scanners for searching people and vehicles, and all other necessary equipment.
- Border Police will have close cooperation with the National Army and the National Directorate of Security to defend National Borders of the Country against border aggressions, insurgency and criminal activities within the border zones, infiltration of foreign agents, subversive activities and criminal gangs.
Security Services and APPF
- APPF and the Security State Owned Enterprise will be responsible for the protection of infrastructures, facilities, convoys, personnel and construction projects
- This Deputy Ministry will undertake its assigned responsibilities in accordance with the applicable laws of the country, Transition policy, and procedures approved by the High Council of Security Enterprise.
Traffic Police
- The Afghan Traffic Police will have professional personnel and regulate traffic in accordance with accepted standards. Over the next ten years, all cities and highways of the country will be equipped with traffic signs and control equipment and standard crossroads and roundabouts.
Department of disaster management and firefighting
- Department of disaster management and firefighting will be equipped with professional and well-trained personnel, and sufficient modern equipment in the capital and provinces to be able to tackle natural and unnatural disasters, prevent and fight fires and provide relief support to victims of unexpected and natural disasters to save lives and property of affected people in coordination with other relevant departments of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Afghan Local Police
- Under the direct supervision of the Deputy Minister for Security, the Afghan Local Police (ALP) will concentrate on ensuring security in insecure regions, to prevent infiltration of armed insurgents, and to provide the grounds for rehabilitation and economic development, so that the National Police can concentrate on providing community and civilian policing services.
- The ALP will undertake their responsibilities in accordance with Afghan laws and ALP regulations and procedures
- Within ten years, as security conditions improve, the ALP will be transformed and, after receiving the required education and training, will be integrated into the ANP
Women in the MoI and ANP
- By solar year 1402, at least ten per cent of all ANP and MoI personnel will be women
- The Ministry of Interior will develop an effective strategy for coordinating recruitment, training, capacity development and other affairs of women in the National Police
- Women will be provided with physical and intellectual amenities as well as security in the workplace, including mechanism to prevent gender-based harassment and violence, to persuade families to allow their wives and daughters to join the ANP and serve the people
- There will be policies and regulations in place to ensure women get appropriate appointments and are provided with opportunities for professional development and advancement as men.
Welfare for Police and their Families
- Within the next ten years, with the support of a presidential decree and the consent of municipalities, all police officers, and those NCO’s and soldiers who do not have shelter and have served at least five years in the police, will be provided with a piece of land in the capital or the provinces
- Over the next ten years, all disabled police and the families of martyred police will be provided with a piece of land
- Salaries and other benefits of disabled police and families of martyred police or those who die in the line of duty will be paid electronically and on time
- Within ten years, no one will be recruited into police ranks without at least high school graduation
- Police recruitment standards will be raised to include background checks through biometrics and physical and psychological health, including addictions
- While taking the Inherent Law into consideration, graduates from different disciplines will have the opportunity for recruitment into the Ministry of Interior, to enable the development of human resources and to supply needed specialists
Professional Development and Training
- Within ten years, all police personnel will be able to read and write
- The curriculum of the Police Academy and other police educational centers will comply with international standards, and in addition to teaching professional police subjects will focus on teaching critical thinking and developing analytical skills
- Within ten years, Academy training programs and those of other police training centers will be designed to introduce and institutionalize new ways of thinking for officers and NCOs so that the ANP can be transformed from a militarized security force into a civilian service dedicated to the protection of the assets and human rights of the Afghan people.
- The National Police Academy, with development and renewal of its curricula, plans and educational programs and benefiting modern methods of teaching, reviewing systems for recruitment and evaluation of students and providing for opportunities of promotions for members of academic departments, will be developed into the sole institution of higher education for police officers cadre and the only academic and research center of the MOI with international standards.
- Once the literacy programme has resulted in all police personnel being able to read and write, it will be replaced by professional and human rights training.
Career Path, Appointment and Promotion
- Appointment, re-appointment and promotion of ANP personnel will be merit-based, ethnically balanced and in accordance with the Inherent Law, the rotation policy, and job performance, and will be conducted without ethnic, language, or gender discrimination
- All police personnel will have the opportunity to be promoted to the leadership level after gaining the skills and qualifications stipulated in the regulations.
- Retirement Regulation and related provisions of the Inherent law will be implemented to provide opportunities for younger generation of leaders, while the retired officer will receive the retirement benefits stipulated in laws and Retirement Regulation.
Health Services
Over the next ten years, the General Department of Health will possess all necessary equipment to be able to respond to preventative and curative health needs of the ANP
- The Health Department will have hospitals, clinics and blood banks, as well as good quality medicines in the capital and provinces, and will coordinate and collaborate with Ministry Public Health and Ministry of Defense to improve health services provided to ANP.
- It will be equipped with mobile ambulances in the capital and provinces and helicopters for transportation of the dead and wounded police personnel
- It will have a well-equipped 400-bed hospital in the capital as well as hospitals and clinics in the provinces that will be staffed with qualified and experienced doctors and nurses
Foreign Relations
- The Foreign Relations Department of the Ministry of Interior will have a database or computerized archive for storing memoranda of understanding (MoUs), protocols, and other agreements between the Ministry of Interior and other countries; this database will be available to MoI officials as needed.
- MoUs and protocols for acceptance of Afghan officers for long and short-term scholarships, and treatment of sick or injured ANP personnel, will be signed with other countries and ANP personnel will benefit from them
- ANP Attachés will be appointed to Afghanistan’s embassies and missions in foreign countries to coordinate ANP relations with host countries and meet the ANP requirements and responsibilities.
Both Afghan society and government are at a critical juncture. Our national institutions, including the Ministry of Interior, are facing tremendous challenges that are likely to continue for years to come. We are undertaking full responsibility for security and institutions from our international partners while continuing to develop our capacities and capabilities. The vision outlined above will not be not easy to achieve. We have to civilianize the ANP with concentration on community policing while we are facing a robust insurgency with safe havens beyond our borders. The ANP may need to remain kinetic, but at the same time they must return to their main civilian policing responsibilities under the Afghan Police Law. By enforcing rule of law, maintaining public order and suppressing crimes, the ANP will facilitate good governance and socio-economic development, which will be the ultimate key to establishing sustainable peace in the country.
In order to achieve this vision, the MOI needs leaders and personnel who are ready to work harder, change their attitudes and practices, be open to new ideas and to relinquish old ways of doing things that are no longer effective. They must take responsibility for increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
Achieving the vision will also need substantial financial and technical resources that are beyond capacity of the Afghan Government to generate, but we hope our international partners who have supported Afghanistan in the last ten years will continue their financial and technical support through the decade of transformation and facilitate us in achieving this vision
Despite all challenges, with the heartfelt efforts of the MOI and ANP officials, and the commitments of our international partners to support the ANP, I am confident that we can achieve our vision in the proposed time frame.