The Deputy Minister of Interior for Anti-Narcotics, Lieutenant General Alhaj Mullah Abdulhaq Akhand Hamkar, along with the Civil Affairs Vice Deputy, Alhaj Mulawi

Sat, Mar 09 2024 10:19 AM

Abdulraman Qasimi, and the Head Department Director,Alhaj Muwlawi Hasibullah Ahmadi, as well as the Director of Survey and Analysis, Mufti Abdul Haq Matiu, met with Mr.Pino Arlachi  former Vice Secretary-General of the United Nations.

During the meeting, the anti narotics Deputy Ministery of interior shared information about the activities and achievements of the Ministry of Interior's Anti-Narcotics efforts, focusing on the prevention of poppy cultivation, smuggling, sales, and the support, treatment, and vocational training of addicted individuals. The anti narotics  Deputy Ministery of interior urged the former Vice Secretary-General to support alternative livelihoods for farmers and aid in the treatment of addiction in the country.

Pino Arlachicommended the Anti-Narcotics deputy's work and expressed confidence in the success of their efforts. He announced plans to hold a conference on alternative livelihoods for farmers in Afghanistan and establish treatment centers for drug addiction.