ANP Foil Two IED Attacks in Ghazni

Tue, Nov 05 2019 9:01 AM

As a result of search operation, Afghan National Police (ANP) detected two roadside bombs in Dara Qiyaq village, Jaghatu district of Ghazni.
The terrorists had planted bombs to target the innocent civilians.
Meanwhile, eight civilians, including four children were martyred and six others including four children were wounded while a civilian vehicle struck a roadside bomb, planted by terrorists in Aka Khil region, Dand-e-Shahabuddin district of Baghlan, yesterday.
Taliban terrorists once again with this brutal attack proved that they are the enemies of the children, women and Afghanistan.  
Afghan National Police (ANP) is working day and night to prevent the activities of terrorists.
Afghan National Police (ANP) encourages all citizens to report suspicious activities and criminal acts by dialing 119 and their identity won’t be disclosed.