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Thu, Jun 13 2019 10:51 AM
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ANP Foils IED Attack in Paktiya

Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and defused a roadside bomb, placed by terrorists in Rubat region of Paktiya.

Thu, Jun 13 2019 10:48 AM
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ANP Discover Explosives in Khost

Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and defused six drums full of explosives and five roadside bombs, placed by terrorists in Musa Khil district of Khost.

Thu, Jun 13 2019 10:46 AM
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Armed Taliban Suffer Heavy Casualties in Herat

Afghan National Police (ANP) repels an armed Taliban attack in Obe district of Herat.

20 Taliban militants were killed and 10 others injured while a group of armed Taliban attacked Obe. . .

Thu, Jun 13 2019 10:38 AM
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10 Villages Cleared of Terrorists in Herat

Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) conducted a joint clearance operation to clear some of the areas from terrorists.

The operation carried out in Keshk Rubat-e-Sangi. . .

Wed, Jun 12 2019 3:15 PM
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ANP Detected A Roadside Bomb in Bamyan

Afghan National Police (ANP) detected a roadside bomb, placed by terrorists in Somara region, Bamyan City.

Wed, Jun 12 2019 3:12 PM
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A Key Member of Taliban Militants Killed in Takhar

A key member of Taliban militants was killed and four others injured in a clash with Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Namak Ab district of Takhar.

Wed, Jun 12 2019 3:10 PM
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12 Taliban Terrorists Killed & Wounded in Faryab

Last night, five Taliban terrorists were killed and seven others injured in a clash with Afghan National Police (ANP) in the vicinity of the Garizwan district of Faryab.

One Afghan. . .

Wed, Jun 12 2019 3:09 PM
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ANP Discover 15Kg of Explosives in Khost

Afghan National Police (ANP) discovered and seized 15kg of explosives during a search operation in Bak district of Khost.

The explosives were recovered from a vehicle hidden in its. . .

Wed, Jun 12 2019 2:52 PM
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Taliban Shadow District Governor Killed in Sar-e-Pul

Shir Mohammad known as Ghazanfar, Taliban’s shadow district governor for Siyad district of Sar-e-Pul killed and one was arrested during overnight operation of the General Command of. . .
